You are Entirely Up To You

Sunday, August 13, 2017

So it's been a couple of weeks since I've talked to you guys on here however life has been pretty crazy recently. I am at uni full time and on the side I am also working 20 hours a week, on top of trying to study and socialise, so I apologise if I haven't been as active as you may like.

However, I am back and for a very important topic. 

The past couple of weeks have been very hard for me. I felt like I was stuck in the mud and no one was around to help me out. I was drowning in school work as well as my actual work and on top of that I felt like a lot of my old friends from High School had given up on me and were moving on to better and new things however I was still stuck in the same place trying to work out which road I wanted to take. 

I felt like this for about two weeks, when it suddenly dawned on me... this is what happens something. People change, you lose contact with close friends, and your life flips. It's scary and I felt like a fish out of water. 

So, what changed? My perception. I think we all put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make sure our lives are perfect and the best they can be but in the process of trying to get that perfect life we lose sight out what we actually want. I am a very hard working girl, I have always put in 110% and I don't stop until I hit a breaking point and all my steam runs out. This happened to me the other week, I felt tired all the time, I was always angry and snapping at people, as well as breaking down and crying to myself in my room at night because I felt like nothing was going my way. When in reality, it was all going fine, I just needed to take a step back and realise how beautiful and precise life really is. 

Yesterday, I went to the beach with my best friend, and honestly that just made me stop for a day, relax and realise that I really need to stop stressing about all the little details and enjoy this beautiful life and just HAVE FUN! Life's too short to be angry and not make the most of every day, hour, minute and second. 

Also, the energy you put out into the world each day will be the energy that you attract. I have had a few issues this past couple of weeks with a lot of my so called "friends" being very rude and disrespectful to me and honestly, no one should have to put up with others being rude - so don't ever take crap from any one else, no one is in charge of your happiness. 

Every morning I want you to wake up and remind yourself that your soul is fucking beautiful, your mind is fucking powerful, your heart is made of fucking gold, and you've got so many god damn good things going for you... you literally do not need ANYONE who isn't going to love you the way that you fucking deserve to be loved. 

Love you all and stay happy,

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